Functions and tasks of the center

Policies and Standards

Developing, updating, and approving policies, governance mechanisms, frameworks, standards, controls, and guidelines related to cybersecurity, circulating them to relevant sectors, and monitoring compliance with them.

Incidents Response

Develop response frameworks for incidents related to cybersecurity, take the necessary measures to reduce them, and inform the General Department of Legal Affairs and the National Cybersecurity Authority if necessary.

Raising Awareness

Providing awareness to all university employees and students, in the field of cyber security, through a number of channels such as e-mail, social media, and training workshops.

We chose for you from the Digital Library
What is phishing?

Phishing employs a legitimate-looking email from a reputable website that is actually false in order to entice you to submit sensitive information about yourself, such as job numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, and so on, in order to steal or modify your data.


